Filter & Search PRO plugin for WordPress with Gutenberg Block Editor

– WordPress Plugin –

VK Filter Search PRO

Global Edition

This is the Filter & Search plugin for WordPress compatible with Gutenberg Block Editor.
This plugin makes it easy to put search box anywhere on your website.

Try our Free Version!

Our free version of VK Filter Search is listed in the plugin directory, so you can start quickly from your WordPress dashboard.

Add Filter Function

Site visitors can search your posts by filtered category, tag, custom post type, keyword, etc.

Active installations

Since its release in November 2020, it has been installed on many websites.

Block Editor Support

You can easily place the search box as a block. No coding in PHP etc is required.

FSE, Block Theme Support

Even with the FSE-compatible Block Theme you can use this plugin smoothly.

Easy to Use

With this plugin, you can create the Filter Search Block on your edit screen.
If you have custom post types, you can also narrow down the search by custom post types.

You can place filter search blocks like below

This plugin provides 8 types of blocks:

  • VK Filter Search Pro
    • VK Keyword Search Pro
    • VK Taxonomy Search Pro
    • VK Post Type Search Pro
    • VK Post Date Search Pro
    • Search Result Single Order
    • VK Custom Field Search Pro (Beta)
  • Search Result Form (For FSE, Block Themes)
Installable website limitUnlimitedUnlimited
Block editor support
Limitations on the number of websites
Keyword search
Post date search
Search Result Single Order
Custom Field Search (beta)
Specify the target post type (post, page, custom post type)
Insert form in search result page
Display on post archive page
Checkbox / Radio button
AND/OR search settings for checkbox selection
Block width settings for each screen size
Editable text for labels (item names)/ Placeholder
Editable text and styles for search buttons

Easy Installation Steps

Install the plugin

Go to the “Plugins” > “Add New” page in the WordPress Dashboard. Click on “Upload Plugin” and then upload and activate “”.
Then enter your license key from “Settings” > “VK Filter Search Pro Global Edition” > “License Key”.


Find the block on post or page edit screen

Type ‘/filter’ on the edit screen and the VK Filter Search Block will appear in the suggested list.


Preset blocks to be inserted

If you select “VK Filter Search” from the suggested list, some preset blocks are inserted to edit the area.
Taxonomy Search Block (Set to Category) / Taxonomy Search Block (Set to Tag) / Keyword Search Block / Search Button Block are inserted as preset blocks.


Customise the settings for each block

You can change the setting of the block. (e.g. the taxonomy to target, the order of the blocks)



  • To pro users of version 2.0.6 or earlier

    To pro users of version 2.0.6 or earlier

    As of June 6, 2023, version 2.0.7 has been released.If you have obtained a previous version, please download the latest version from the library page where the list of purchased items is displayed. By using the latest version 2.0.7 or later, you will be able to perform updates within the validity period of your license…

    Read more

  • Our VK Filter Search plugin for WordPress hit 5000+ active installs!

    Our VK Filter Search plugin for WordPress hit 5000+ active installs!

    We are happy to announce our “VK Filter Search” plugin for WordPress hit 5000+ active installs! Thank you all for trusting us!

    Read more


Is it compatible with various themes?

Basically, it’s supposed to work fine with any themes. However, there may be some visual design issues mainly related to CSS. It may cause display problems. So, please download the free version of VK Filter Search and check if there is no issue with the function and outlook.

Does the layout of the search results page change on the different themes?

Yes, the layout of the search results depends on the theme. The search results page and the ability to control the layout of the search results page provided by each theme make such a difference.

How many labels (item names) can I set?

Items are placed in blocks, so there are no limitations on the numbers. However, you can set only one label per search item (e.g. category).

Can it search the post content?

Yes, users can search the content field of the posts with the Keyword Search Block.

Which languages are available?

It is currently available in English and Japanese.
More languages will be added in the future. If you would like to help with translation, please click on the link below to join the contribution.

Is it possible to insert another type of block inside a block placed by VK Filter Search Pro, or to put some inner blocks of VK Filter Search Pro inside another block?

No, none of these is possible—specification for layout control.

Does this plugin support WordPress Multisite?

Unfortunately, the current product specification does not support searching for child sites in a WordPress multisite.

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by recommending the most advanced block editors-compatible search form plugin.

Team Vektor is here to Support You!

We develop WordPress themes as well as a wide range of sophisticated plugins from Japan 🇯🇵

Hidekazu Ishikawa

CEO / Lead Engineer

Miyuki Kunou


Kaori Sasaki

Designer / Writer

Tomohiro Hirakawa


Chiaki Kouno


Taichi Maruyama


Yuko Toriyama

Designer / Photographer

Kei Matsuda

Designer / Painter